In honor of our countries birth, I designed a new Fourth of July card - Uncle Sam's Hat.
This was my first time using the cylinder technique. While it was easy to assemble, it took me a while to develop a template with the right proportions.

As you can see, in my first attempt, the top of the hat didn't quite pop up all the way.
Later, I tried adding a support brace inside the card to push the top of the hat up - and met with success!

The hardest part about creating a pop-up card is visualizing - not what it will look like when it is open - but how it will fold. It's hard to tell in the picture but the hat is perfectly round when the card is laid flat, however, it needed to lay flat when I folded it.

I thought I'd post a picture of the hat as I folded it to show how the hat flattens itself. The top of the cylinder folds inside the hat, the support pushes down, and the base of the hat lays flat.
I'm excited to have learned this new technique and have already come up with several ideas to incorporate it into new designs. Perhaps a candle on a birthday cake? Or maybe a Fourth of July Firecracker? If I can figure out how to put a cone on top I might even be able to make a spaceship or rocket! I'll keep you posted on my designs!
Discussion/Comments (8):
Here's a template...
{ Link }
from one of my favorite books, Elements of Pop Up by David Carter
Posted at 07/11/2010 13:23:23 byCarol
Thanks! The Elements of Pop-Up is one of my favorite books as well. I was able to make the cone, but I'm struggling to figure out how to attach it to cylinder and still pop out all of the way...
Posted at 07/13/2010 12:13:18 by
I'm guessing that the cone collapses the top of the tube? I have a center post design idea that might work. Do you want to chat? You could email me directly.
Posted at 07/13/2010 12:26:33 byCarol
I was extremely impressed with your Uncle Sam pop-up card, but trying to figure it out is getting the best of me. Therefore, I would very much appreciate it if you would kindly email me the specific instructions & templates for constructing this hat. Thank you for your help.
Posted at 02/23/2011 13:09:46 byLinda L. Stec
Thanks for your interest! I've been meaning to post a few pop-up tutorials on my blog and I will try to create a tutorial sometime in the next week or two. I'll keep you posted!
Posted at 02/26/2011 11:52:01 byWendy Mack
I have created a tutorial for you on my blog and included the templates. Please give me any feedback you might have and let me know how it works.
You can view that tutorial at:http://www.mackacademy.com/ICA/BLOGS/MackAcademy.nsf/dx/how-to-make-a-pop-up-candle-for-a-birthday-surprise#dxcontinue
Posted at 02/28/2011 13:39:20 byWendy Mack
Thank you for your instructions & templates for the Uncle Sam pop~up card. I am a novice at all the pop~up stuff; therefore, this looks very difficult for me. I bookmarked the appropriate pages to review over & over again before attempting it within the next week or two. Thank you, again, for your help. I will keep you posted.
Posted at 03/01/2011 5:06:22 byLinda L. Stec
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